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Security and Sea Borders Protection Directorate


The Security and Sea Borders Protection Directorate, through the search, collection, analysis and exchange of information and through police cooperation in matters of public, state security and national interest in general, takes care of handling crime, especially organized crime, delinquency and acts of violence and terrorism in the areas of responsibility of H.C.G. It is competent authority for monitoring the application of provisions concerning the movement, stay and work of foreigners in the country and in particular the management of illegal migration. Takes care for the supply of appropriate means and logistical equipment to fulfill its mission. Coordinates, supports and supervises the work of the Regional Services H.C.G, during the investigation of cases in its competences, through the following Departments:

  1. Public Security Department
  2. State Security
  3. Sea Borders Protection Department
  4. Operational and Strategic Analysis Department